September 25, 2022

Preparing For Medicaid In The Future

Medicaid is an assistance program offered by the federal government that is then administered on a state level. It was created to help those who are financially eligible by paying for the cost of long-term care support, and enables access to other healthcare and medical benefits. Medicaid is distributed as a needs-based program, so that means there are unyielding financial requirements that have to be met for someone to become eligible for this type of assistance. If you aren’t sure whether now is the time to start your retirement planning, consider the information below.

A frequent misconception about Medicaid is that once a loved one is receiving these benefits, that all of their needs will be paid for. But this is not the case, as Medicaid may not cover basic needs such as clothing, television, radio, private living space, eye care, dentistry, social activities, entertainment, and more. Due to Medicaid not covering expenses like these, you must have a plan in place beforehand. It can provide relief to the senior person and their family members if there is a fund already set up to pay for costs that are not covered by the Medicaid program.

Keep in mind that Medicaid and retirement planning can be confusing areas of the law, according to an elder law lawyer at Silverman Law Office, PLLC. Most lawyers will be generally informed about Medicaid basics, however, it is important to meet with a legal team that is experienced in handling this specific area of law. It is recommended that families meet with an elder law lawyer before submitting a Medicaid application. If the paperwork was sent without planning strategies and transfers having been done first, this can result in out-of-pocket money being wasted unnecessarily.

Consider the fact that around 2 out of every 3 people will need care in their senior years. Of course, no one wants to imagine that they will need this kind of added support, but the reality is that many of us will need it at one point or another. So if you or a relative is in their retirement years, then it’s a good idea to start estate planning if you have not already. Medicaid considers every gift and transfer made within five years of the application date. And since these programs can take time to process, you must begin planning early, much longer before you, your spouse, or another relative actually need the Medicaid assistance.

Planning for yours or your loved one’s senior years is not the most enjoyable task. But by taking steps now, it can prevent delays and other issues from arising in the future. With support from your lawyer, you can get all the advice you need and most pressing questions answered from a reliable source.

September 25, 2022

Creating A Parenting Plan

Family Lawyer Colorado- mother and father holding hands with childA parenting plan is a document created during a divorce by a child custody lawyer that is approved by the court and governs the relationship between parents and their minor children. A parenting plan will describe how parents will handle child custody and visitation.

In a perfect world, parents will work in good faith to reach an agreement on how parental responsibility and parenting time will be allocated between each spouse. In order to reduce the potential for disputes between you and your soon-to-be ex, it is helpful to work with a knowledgeable attorney. Utilizing some of the following tips can also help you create a successful parenting plan.

 Determine Vacations

It is good to discuss your children’s school vacations ahead of time. They will typically have breaks in the winter, spring, and summer. Determining which parent is responsible for taking care of them when they are off school is a good starting point. This may help discussions and enable compromises in other areas of the parenting plan.

 Be Consistent

Inconsistency affects children more than many parents realize. Because both parents are not around at the same time, and your kids will be dividing time between two homes, it is even more important to try to maintain consistency wherever possible. This can include both parents following the same rules, methods of discipline, and expectations, and your parenting plan can specify how you and your ex will handle communication about these issues. For example, if your child is grounded and cannot watch TV because of something he or she did at your ex’s house, you should respect that punishment and not let them watch television at your home either.

 Ask Your Kids for Their Opinion

Granted, this is only an option in certain situations, but if your kids are not too young, they may have input on what they want and need. For example, a teenager might want to stay in the same home during the week when they are attending school. If this is an option, it is important to recognize what your kids need and want too. This can help make the transition easier.

 Plan for Future Dating

It is not likely that both parents will stay single forever, which means you will need to figure out how you will handle the introduction of new partners to your children. It is a good idea to discuss this with your ex and set some ground rules you can both agree on when it comes to new significant others.

Be Specific

Do not leave any important details out of your parenting plan. One of the biggest mistakes is drafting a plan that is too vague and leaves room for arguments and confusion.

Contact a Family Law Firm for Legal Assistance

If you have children and are going through a divorce, make sure your parental rights are protected. Call an experienced attorney, like a child custody lawyer from a law firm like The Law Office of Daniel E. Stuart, P.A.


September 22, 2022

Why Do I Need A Divorce Lawyer?

A divorce is painful, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. Even if your divorce takes you completely by surprise, a lawyer can help you navigate your case by providing valuable information and guidance throughout your divorce proceedings.

Read on for more information about why you need a divorce lawyer.

Why Do Divorces Surprise People?

As a Colorado divorce lawyer like our friends at Zweig Law, PC can explain, most people don’t even recognize the warning signs of divorce until it’s too late. It’s important to be on the lookout for certain behaviors or patterns in your relationship that may hint that a divorce is coming.

If you and your spouse are completely stonewalling each other, or you can’t speak to each other without your conversation turning into an argument, it may mean more than just a rough patch. Other signs of a potential divorce include seeking affairs, and feelings of contempt or disgust towards your partner.

What Should I Do If I Suspect A Divorce Is Coming?

If you’re convinced a divorce is coming, you have time to get in touch with a lawyer who can help you prepare for the worst. Recognizing the warning signs of a divorce is just the first step. Next, you’ll have to take action.

It’s never too early to start planning ahead. Make sure you copy your important documents, and take notes about what you and your spouse own. Consider moving yourself and your children somewhere else and somewhere safe – especially if your partner has a history of abuse or instability.

When Should I File For Divorce?

Despite how common divorces are in the United States (630,505 in 2020 alone, according to the CDC), it’s important to remember that a divorce is a last resort. There are a number of different options available if you and your spouse are willing to fight for your marriage, ranging from marriage counseling to interventions and rehabilitation if drug or alcohol abuse is involved.

A divorce is a challenging process for everyone involved. Filing for divorce means your other options have failed – or those options were just unrealistic for your circumstances. Fortunately, when you finally commit to a divorce, the right lawyers can make all the difference.

Who Should I Trust With My Divorce?

Not all divorce lawyers are created equal. When you’re searching for a lawyer, it’s important to compare the different legal services provided by different firms. Free consultations are a great starting point. If a legal practice has been featured in any major publications, or can point to any awards or positive reviews they received for helping their clients, that’s even better.

It takes time to find the right legal team, but it’s worth the extra effort. A divorce can be messy, and you’ll need all the help you can get to make sure the proceedings are fair.

Where Should I Start My Search?

Sometimes it takes more than just a Google search to find the right legal team – but looking online is a great way to learn more. You may find some valuable information online, not just about divorces, but about lawyers in your area who specialize in cases just like yours.

A divorce is painful, but it doesn’t need to catch you off-guard. Get in touch with a=our qualified divorce lawyer to start planning ahead.

September 22, 2022

2 Insights From Personal Injury Lawyers

Personal Injury Lawyer

If you or a loved one have suffered a personal injury due to an accident, it would greatly benefit you to contact a personal injury lawyer clients trust to pursue legal action. Although a personal injury lawyer may share their wise counsel in many ways throughout the legal process of filing a claim, the following are a couple of the most common pieces of advice given.

  1. Clients should seek out compensation for damages incurred if their injury was sustained by another’s negligence or ill-intent. Many victims of an accident do not feel entitled to or empowered to pursue justice for what happened to them, but would rather move on without gaining compensation. Although it may be difficult to go through the legal process of filing a personal injury claim, it is well worth it to gain compensation for a client’s damages. For example, if a person slips and falls on a wet floor that is unmarked and breaks their leg, this could have serious medical implications. Without filing a personal injury claim, that person is left to pay for their own medical care now and any future medical care needed due to the accident. Because of their broken leg, this may impact their ability to work, may cause emotional stress, and lower their quality of life. These are all considered damages that should be compensated for. By contacting a personal injury lawyer and discussing your situation, you can verify if you indeed have a case worth pursuing and formulate a strategy of legal action. Don’t let fear, confusion, or pain keep you from pursuing what you are legally entitled to. A wise personal injury lawyer such as those at Disparti Law Group work hard so that their clients can focus on what is truly important, their healing and overall health after an injury. 

  2. Most personal injury cases do not go to trial but are instead settled out of court. Some clients fear the court aspect of personal injury cases, however, your attorney will strive to settle with an insurance company and negotiate fair compensation for damages that all parties can agree upon. In the event that the insurance company is unresponsive or refuses to cooperate, taking the case to a judge in court may be in the best interest of the client. Every personal injury case is unique, and therefore is subject to its own outcome. A client should not compare their case to another personal injury case because there are many variables that determine a personal injury case and its compensation outcome. A trusted attorney will advise their client on what they believe to be the best course of action that benefits the client. As stated before, there are many variables that encompass a personal injury case such as substantial evidence, witnesses, medical evaluations, and other documents. The more evidence and proof a client has to validate their injury, the stronger the case and often higher the compensation will be. If you are in need of representation after an injury, reach out to a personal injury lawyer today!

September 14, 2022

Probate Lawyer in Knoxville, TN

Carpenter & Lewis PLLC is a firm that wants to bring their clients the best we have to offer, so that their needs are met. We don’t try to split our focus from estate planning and transactional law, that way you know we’re focused on you and your needs. 

We focus on:

  • Drafting wills.
  • Drafting trusts.
  • Settling probate estates.
  • Settling probate trusts.
  • Forming LLCs or other entities.
  • Small business law.

An Overview of Probate Law in Tennessee 

Probate is a court supervised process that can be required after someone dies. Probate gives somebody, typically the closest surviving family member, legal authority to gather the decedent’s assets, pay their debts and taxes, and transfer those assets to the people that were identified to inherit from the estate of the decedent according to the will or a court order, if there was no will. 

Probate can take six months to a year, though this can go on longer if there is a fight involving the beneficiaries of the will. This is rare, but it can happen. Having a good probate lawyer in Knoxville, TN that is focused on the probate process itself can help you better understand why such fights may occur. 

Not every asset needs to go through probate, just assets that the deceased person owned in their own name need to go through probate. Other assets pass to the new owners without oversight from the probate court. Assets going through probate court are called part of the “probate estate”. 

Some common examples of assets that aren’t part of the probate estate:

  • Property that is held in joint tenancy, such as a bank account, a home, or a car. It does not go through probate as it has a second owner, and the surviving owner retains the property outright. 
  • Property held in tenancy by the entirety, which means the person owned the real estate with their spouse, they’ll avoid probate court because ownership goes to the surviving spouse. 
  • Payable-on-death bank accounts, or POD, is a bank account that goes directly to the beneficiary of the account when the account holder dies.
  • Assets that are registered in a transfer-on-death form, this is a form that Tennessee residents can feel out and anything registered on this form are transferred directly to the beneficiary identified on the form without probate.
  • Life insurance proceeds from life insurance policies specify a beneficiary, so they do not require a probate court.
  • Retirement funds do not go through probate because the account holder has designated a beneficiary of those proceeds. 
  • Living trust assets are held in the name of a living trustee, so they do not go through probate. 

Learn More About Tennessee Probate

After a person passes away, what happens to their estate and their assets is not always clear. If they did not create a will or other type of estate plan, it may seem like their estate simply hangs in limbo. This is not the case, however, and each state, like Tennessee, has its own probate process when a person passes away without an estate plan. When a person passes away and they have a will, you can also expect their estate to go through probate, and the court will do its best to ensure the decedent’s last wishes are honored. 

What really happens after a person dies and they do not have an estate plan? 

Things can become tricky when a person passes away without a will. Although their estate goes through probate and a court makes decisions on it, the people the decedent loved and cared for the most may have no more a right to get something than another family member does. Dying without a will is known as dying intestate, and when this happens, their property will most likely pass on to their closest family member. This is often going to be their spouse or their children, including adopted children. Similarly, if the decedent was unmarried and does not have children, a court will move on to passing property to siblings and parents. This process continues until the court is unable to find other relatives. 

What is required to make a will legal? 

For a will to be legal in the state of Tennessee, you must:

  • Be 18 years or older when you are making the will
  • Be of sound mind
  • Have two witnesses to sign it in the presence of the testator and each other

In some instances, it will also be valid for a person to write a will by hand (also known as a holographic will) and it will be valid to have an oral will. It will be up to the state to accept either type of will. 

Is it possible to skip the probate process altogether? 

It is possible, and when you are considering your estate planning options, your probate lawyer in Knoxville, Tennessee may recommend you create a revocable living trust instead of a will. A revocable living trust will be able to encompass all of your estate planning needs and will thus be able to avoid the probate process. 

What, exactly, is probate?

Probate is the legal process where the estate of the person who died is actually settled. As a general rule, the more property the decedent had at the time of their death the more complex the probate process is likely to be. The rules often seem arcane and confusing to the lay person which is exactly why you may want an expert probate lawyer like Carpenter & Lewis PLLC. This is often true even though many courts in the state do not actually require you to have a probate attorney.

Reasons to have a probate lawyer

There are multiple reasons a probate lawyer is worth considering including:

  • Most of our clients tell us the probate court tends to assume you know what you’re doing and is reluctant to answer your questions. Taking on probate is assuming a large responsibility that is much more complicated than most people recognize.
  • If the family is likely to argue about how the estate is to be handled, having a probate attorney will make your life much easier.
  • Wills often use language that, from a court’s point of view, is unclear. A probate attorney may be able to help that issue get sorted out.
  • Estates with a large value often benefit from legal help.
  • If the estate involves the transfer of a business, a lawyer who knows the ropes is likely to be more than helpful.
  • When the estate results in a dispute with a creditor, having an experienced attorney on your side will often be able to help you get it sorted out quickly. If the estate can’t pay legitimate debts, an attorney representing you is likely to result in a truly fair settlement.
  • Local services, taxes and federal taxes may be involved and the right probate attorney can help you understand what is needed.
  • Real estate transfers, especially between counties and/or states may require a probate attorney.

Choosing a probate lawyer

The death of a loved one is an emotional time. This is exactly why you want a probate attorney that has deep experience handling cases like yours. They can protect your rights and interest and provide you with the balanced information you need to make good decisions.

Steve Carpenter, founder of Carpenter & Lewis PLLC, has been helping people with probate for over three decades. He states his purpose, saying, “I help families and businesses protect their assets to pass a legacy to the next generation.”

What to Look for in a Probate Lawyer to Write Your Will

It can be very daunting to start looking into the details of how to make your will, especially if you are doing it on your own and aren’t familiar with how the legal system works. However, it’s important to understand that a will is the most important document in your life, and will have a profound effect on all of those who are important to you. If you are thinking about writing your own will, here are five things to look for in a probate lawyer to write your will so that you can make sure everything goes as smoothly as possible after you pass away.


When you’re looking for a probate lawyer to write your will, you’ll want to find someone with experience. After all, this is an important document that will determine how your assets are distributed after you die. The last thing you want is for there to be any mistakes. Look for a lawyer who has been practicing law for at least five years.


Checking a lawyer’s reputation is one of the most important things you can do when looking for legal representation. You want to be sure that the lawyer you hire is someone who is respected by their peers and has a good track record. There are a few ways to go about checking a lawyer’s reputation. You can start by asking people you know if they have any recommendations. You can also look up reviews online. Finally, you can contact your local bar association to get more information.


One of the most important things to look for when choosing a probate lawyer is transparency. You want a lawyer who is upfront about their fees and the process. Ask around for referrals and read online reviews. Once you’ve narrowed down your choices, ask each lawyer for an initial consultation. This is your chance to get a feel for the person and see if they’re someone you can trust.


Your probate lawyer should give you a flat fee for their services. This means that you will not be charged by the hour, and will know exactly how much the service will cost upfront. Additionally, your probate lawyer should be able to give you an estimate of how long the process will take.

The average cost of a probate lawyer includes a wide range depending on the complexity of your estate. It is important to note that if your estate is worth more than $1 million, you may need to hire a team of lawyers which will increase your costs.


A good probate lawyer should be committed to helping you create the best possible will for your situation. They should take the time to understand your unique circumstances and explain the options available to you. Plus, they should be available to answer any questions you have along the way. If something happens that forces them to change their availability or schedule, they should communicate with you about it as soon as possible.

If you are looking for a probate lawyer to write a will for you, contact one at our firm today!

File Petition to Start Probate
If you are handling the final wishes of a decedent’s estate, then you will need to file certain paperwork in the county where the person had lived at the time of their death. As your probate lawyer Knoxville, TN families trust from Barry P. Goldberg can review, the paperwork will require you to be officially named as a legal executor who represents the estate. Within your petition, you’ll have to file a will, if a valid one exists, and the certificate of death. The court will schedule a day and time to approve the role of executor, or hear objections from others, and then the probate case will officially have begun. You will then be able to perform executor tasks and act on behalf of the deceased’s estate.

Inventory Assets
After filing a petition to start probate, you’ll have to give notice to beneficiaries, creditors, and heirs about the person’s passing. This is required by the court, and in some states, you may even have to publish a notice in the local newspaper. After that is done, you will move on to inventorying the assets. Gather, inventory, and get appraisals for all assets that may be subject to probate and then present them to the court, including personal effects, stocks and bonds, real estate, bank accounts, retirement accounts, and more.

Handle Debts and Bills
By notifying creditors and other parties about the deceased’s estate, you may receive claims from creditors about debts. You’ll have to make sure that these requests are legitimate before paying them from the estate. Collect money that is owed to the estates, such as outstanding rent payments and paychecks. Review unpaid bills and other debts, and decide if they should be paid. You’ll have to make sure that the estate assets are able to cover debts before you pay them, as the state will prioritize the claims of creditors.

Distribute Remaining Assets
Once all of the above is finished, then what remains in the estate will be distributed to beneficiaries and heirs as instructed. Beneficiaries may have questions about the estate and other concerns, in which you will have to communicate with them to a reasonable degree. As your Knoxville probate lawyer can guide you through, part of being an executor of an estate means that you will have to keep a financial record of all the transactions that have been done, and you may be required to share these details with beneficiaries.

Close the Estate
Keep in mind that as the executor of someone’s assets who recently passed away, you will always have to make choices that are in the best interest of the deceased. If you are caught making decisions or using money in a way that is for your personal benefit, beneficiaries may report you and you may be removed from your role, along with other potential repercussions. After all assets have been distributed accordingly, you will send these receipts and records to the court and request for the estate to be closed, in which you will be released from the role of executor. If you need help as an executor of someone’s estate, don’t hesitate to contact our Knoxville lawyer probate team today for support.

Schedule a no-cost consultation

Carpenter & Lewis PLLC are pleased to offer you a no-cost consultation. This will allow you to get a ‘feel’ for the firm, meet with some of their staff and get your initial questions answered. Your consultation will be treated with confidentiality and you’ll recognize you’ve been talking with people who understand your situation.

Talk to your probate lawyer in Knoxville, TN today if you have questions about what goes through probate court. Carpenter & Lewis PLLC has four lawyers, with varying educations and memberships. You can find a probate lawyer Knoxville, TN that you like that suits you and your case. Every lawyer has a different background, and you might connect with a specific lawyer in the firm because of their background, and that is okay.

September 13, 2022

Personal Injury Claim Evidence

Accident Injury Lawyer

Every state has laws that allow accident victims to pursue an injury claim or lawsuit against the party responsible for the incident that caused the injuries. Some of the more common types of cases an accident injury lawyer handles include car, truck, slip and fall, and construction accidents.

Pursuing damages against the at-fault party and successfully recovering financial compensation for medical expenses, lost income, pain and suffering, and more, can be complex, especially with insurance companies that do all they can to deny accident victim claims. The more evidence your lawyer can produce, the stronger your case will be.

Types of Evidence in a Personal Injury Claim

Some of the most common types of evidence used in a personal injury case include the following:

  • Medical records – It is critical that victims seek out medical attention immediately following an accident. The sooner you have your injuries documented by a medical professional, the least likely the insurance company will be able to dispute how you were injured. Records of emergency room visits, diagnostic testing, hospitalizations, surgery, rehabilitation, etc. are all crucial to proving your case.
  • Pay stubs – If you are unable to work while you recover, your lost wages can be included in your personal injury case, but you will need to show documentation of what those wages actually are.
  • Police reports – If you were hurt in a vehicle accident, the police officer called to the scene is required to fill out an accident report that will provide details of the crash. Your accident lawyer can use this report in your case.
  • Accident reports – If you were injured at a business or on the job, there should be an accident report filed that will include details of the event.
  • Video – In today’s society, there are cameras everywhere. Any camera that captured video of the accident can be used by your lawyer as evidence, including building surveillance cameras, doorbell cameras, security cameras, dash cams, and traffic light cameras. Any photographs taken of the accident site and damage can also be used.
  • Witness testimony – If there were witnesses to the accident, your attorney will take their statements and they may even be called to testify in the event the insurance company refuses to settle and there is a trial.
  • Expert witnesses – It is not uncommon for attorneys to use expert witnesses in a personal injury lawsuit to prove their case. For example, a vehicle accident reconstruction expert can provide testimony as to how a crash occurred. A medical doctor can provide testimony of any permanent damage a victim will have. A vocational counselor can provide testimony of how the victim’s future job prospects will be with a permanent disability.

Contact a Personal Injury Law Firm Today

If you have been injured in an accident, you may be entitled to financial compensation for your losses. Keep in mind, however, that accident claims do have a statute of limitation for how long a victim has to file. Once that timeframe expires, so too does the victim’s ability to take legal action against the party responsible for their injuries. Make sure you speak with a lawyer who is skilled and knowledgeable in personal injury. Call an experienced attorney, like an accident injury lawyer from a law firm like Yearin Law Office.

September 7, 2022

Crane Collapses on Car

Personal Injury

Disaster is always one mistake away, and it’s up to construction management to maintain a safe environment for their employees and bystanders alike. Unfortunately, it seems that safety was left by the wayside at a certain construction site in the Bronx.

During some recent construction work at the intersection of Jerome Avenue and West Bedford Park Boulevard, a crane connected to a boom truck broke off and fell onto a car that was stopped at a nearby red light. Thankfully, the driver of the vehicle only sustained minor injuries.

However, upon investigation, it was determined that the management of the construction site was in violation of several different safety codes. Officials identified that the operators of the boom failed to obtain permits for certain equipment on site, and failed to properly maintain the construction elevator, or hoist.

A construction site is dangerous enough without management cutting corners. If you’ve been injured on a construction site (or in any other workplace) you shouldn’t be afraid to hold a negligent employer accountable for your injuries. As work injury lawyers like our friends at Rispoli & Borneo, P.C. can explain, you could be owed financial compensation for your injuries.

Were You Injured on the Job?

Workplace injuries happen, whether you’re dealing with cranes or copiers. Whatever the type of job, and whatever the type of injury, you should always report your injuries and fight for some form of compensation if you’re unable to clock in for work as usual.

Workers’ compensation can be a serious help when you’re dealing with a workplace injury. It can cover your medical costs, and provide you with enough income to keep yourself and your loved ones afloat while you recover.

Unfortunately, workers’ compensation is far from the “free money” many people think it can be. In fact, workers’ comp involves lots of paperwork and back-and-forth between you, your doctors, and your employers. Fortunately, a lawyer who specializes in workers’ compensation can help you navigate the ins and outs of your claim.

Was Your Employer Negligent?

In some cases, you may deserve more than workers’ compensation – and you shouldn’t file a claim without consulting a legal professional about the alternatives. After all, when you file for workers’ comp, you’re waiving your right to sue your employer, and in some cases a lawsuit can get you enough financial compensation to keep you covered until you find work with a more responsible employer.

Employers have a responsibility to maintain a safe working environment. If they fail to do so, such as by neglecting their permitting or licensing responsibilities, they may be on the hook for your injuries when you experience an accident.

Filing a lawsuit against a negligent employer can be complicated, and it’s important to have a lawyer you can trust when it comes time to determine who was responsible for your injuries, and what you should do about it.

Don’t hesitate to get justice, compensation, and closure. Get in touch with a work injury lawyer today to learn more.

September 3, 2022

Bankruptcy Secrets Revealed

Bankruptcy Lawyer

Bankruptcy may be viewed negatively, but it’s a resource that can be used to make people’s life more manageable financially. Some people may frown upon those who need to file for bankruptcy, but at the end of the day it is the debtor’s state of being that is most important. Being constantly run down by financial problems may cause someone to seriously assess whether bankruptcy is right for them. For those who are curious, here are a few bankruptcy secrets revealed. 

Most people can keep their property and belongings.

As a bankruptcy lawyer residents depend on from Therman Law Offices, LTD  can attest, some bankruptcy chapters enable debtors to keep their furniture, vehicles, home, appliances, and other essentials. There are limits to what you can keep, and the rules vary by state law, but many people are under no obligation to give up any belongings or property. It is the credit industry that instills fear in us that we’ll lose our property. And while that may be true in some cases, those who file for bankruptcy may be protected from losing their tangible assets. 

You don’t have to have zero money in the bank to file.

It is a common assumption that bankruptcy is only for when you run out of money completely, but that is not the case. You can be someone who is employed, has a bank account, and owns property (up to specific limits from the date you file your case). After you file, an automatic stay goes into effect. This means that creditors are no longer permitted to contact you about debts. Many debtors find this provides them immediate relief, and a chance to review their finances without added pressure from relentless debt collection agencies. 

Your finances will get better sooner than you think. 

The purpose of bankruptcy is to get someone out of debt, not be used as a means to get back into debt. Your credit score may be impacted, even more so if it is currently at a higher standing. And you will get a mark on your credit report for the bankruptcy. However, before you know it your credit will gain in strength and you will be receiving credit card offers again. Be sure to give yourself tools to avoid getting back into debt shortly after filing for bankruptcy. You are only able to file for bankruptcy a limited number of times throughout a set period. By using bankruptcy strategically, your finances can get better sooner than you think. 

You are not alone in what you are going through. 

The bankruptcy court does not contact your employer or other people who know you about the bankruptcy filing. The payroll department may be notified to stop a garnishment, but they don’t usually explain as to the reason why. While bankruptcy court cases are public record, and someone could visit the courthouse to find out, but rarely is this the case unless the debtor is under scrutiny from the public or other parties. You are not alone in needing to file for bankruptcy. There are many big companies and famous individuals who have needed this resource. Do not judge yourself, and the fact that you are even looking into options is a success in itself. 

September 3, 2022

Answers To Common Divorce Concerns

Divorce Lawyer Colorado- wooden gavel and divorce name signAt Zweig Law, PC, we know that you probably have serious questions and concerns about what divorce is going to be like. Each situation is unique based on the couple as individuals and their relationship. But to shed light on what is to come, we have answered some of our client’s most common divorce concerns. We hope that this offers clarity for those who are going through a divorce or are preparing to. If you need further assistance, don’t hesitate to contact a divorce lawyer Colorado residents trust to have your worries put at ease.

What is the first step in a divorce?

The initial step in the divorce process is officially filing for divorce. For the state of Colorado, you must state that the marriage is broken without repairability in order to get a divorce. The issue of fault is not included in the first petition. To file for divorce, one or both spouses must file divorce documents to the court, including a Financial Statement, Certificate of Compliance, Separation Agreement, Decree, Parenting Plan, Pretrial Statement, Support Order, and possibly a Child Support Worksheet.

Who gets to keep the house in the meantime?

The couple may decide that they can amicably cohabitate while the divorce is proceeding. If the house is large enough, one spouse may reside in a separate room or area. But most couples don’t want to keep living under the same roof, no matter how big the property is. It can be challenging to be at odds and enter into divorce disputes when you are still living with that person. If there is no agreement as to who should remain in the marital home, one spouse can request that they receive exclusive use and possession of that property. If the court grants this request, the other spouse is not permitted to reside at that residence any longer.

How long will it take until the divorce is final?

For the state of Colorado, at the shortest, a divorce may finalize around three months. However, this only applies to the most straightforward and simple of divorce cases, such as those that do not involve children or other matters that could prolong the proceeding. Typically, a resident of Colorado can expect to have their divorce concluded at around 6-12 months. But keep in mind, that is a general time frame and each divorce case is going to vary based on the factors of the marriage.

Why is there a difference between legal separation and divorce?

Divorce and legal separation only differ because of one element: the divorce terminates the married status, while a legal separation preserves this status as still being legally married. During legal separation, the same types of conversations will need to be had, such as terms of property division, debts, spousal support orders, child support, and child custody orders. Legal separation may be a good alternative for those who know they cannot live together anymore but are not sure whether reconciliation is possible in the future. A legal separation can easily be turned into an official divorce if needed down the road.

When does temporary spousal support go into effect?

Temporary spousal support may be ordered by the court and paid while the divorce is proceeding. Some courts adhere to a calculation when deciding how much should be paid in spousal support. This temporary support is calculated similarly to child support, where an equation is used but the court may also consider other factors and increase or decrease this amount. In some states, if the couple was married for more than a decade, the lesser-earning spouse may get support for as long as they need, permitting the other spouse has the ability to pay. When the spousal support goes into effect will vary based on what is reasonable for the transition from married life to being single and financially self-sufficient.

August 11, 2022

Applying For Social Security Disability

If you cannot work full-time due to a disability, you may be eligible for federal benefits that can help you cover your expenses. The Social Security Disability Benefits program helps to ensure that those who have paid into the program over time aren’t denied an adequate living allowance if they become suddenly disabled and are no longer able to work like they used to. Although not everyone qualifies for these benefits and the application process can be tough to navigate, it is worth your time to speak with an attorney about this opportunity if you may be eligible to collect this form of federal compensation. The strains impacting your family’s budget may be significantly reduced if you’re approved to receive SSD benefits.

Who Qualifies for Social Security Disability Benefits?

As an experienced Social Security disability lawyer – including those who practice at The Law Offices of Mark T. Hurt – can explain in greater detail, the Social Security Disability benefits program is not the only federal form of compensation made available to individuals who cannot work due to physical and/or mental disabilities. As a result, you’ll want to speak with an attorney about whether you qualify for this form of compensation specifically before applying for benefits. You may or may not be eligible for this opportunity and you may or may not be eligible for alternative forms of disability-based compensation.

To qualify for SSD benefits, you’ll need to have worked a job covered by Social Security for a specific length of time and you must be diagnosed with a condition that meets the Social Security Administration’s definition of disability. The SSA doesn’t approve SSD benefits claims lightly, so you’ll need to be able to back up your diagnosis with significant documentation.

Do You Need a Lawyer to Apply for SSD Benefits?

While you don’t technically have to hire a lawyer to assist you in navigating the SSD benefits application process, enlisting legal help proactively is strongly advised. Why? The vast majority of initial SSD benefits applications are denied. This means that most people who submit applications for SSD benefits must wade through the appeals process if they have a hope of collecting any benefits to which they are entitled. Enlisting the support and guidance of a local attorney who devotes part of their legal practice to SSD benefits cases will better place you in a position to succeed on the merits of your application the first time you submit it.

Connect with a Knowledgeable SSD Attorney to Learn More

You may be tempted to complete the SSD benefits application process to save money. This is a completely understandable instinct. However, this is not a task in which pinching pennies upfront is likely the most responsible choice. Given the extraordinary fraction of first-time applications that are rejected, working with an attorney proactively will better ensure that you receive any benefits to which you are entitled in a timely fashion.