April 13, 2023

Examples Of Personal Injuries

Personal Injury

Personal injuries can occur in a variety of situations and can range from minor to severe. Here are five examples of personal injuries and how you might receive them according to an abogado de lesiones personales from Unidos Legales:

  1. Slip and Fall Injuries: Slip and fall injuries can happen when you slip or trip on an uneven surface, such as a wet floor or a loose step. These types of injuries can cause bruises, broken bones, and head injuries. You might receive a slip and fall injury in a grocery store, a restaurant, or a public park. If there is no signage warning you of this hazard, then you have a legal case.
  2. Car Accident Injuries: Car accident injuries can occur when a car collides with another vehicle, a pedestrian, or a stationary object. These types of injuries can cause whiplash, broken bones, and head injuries. You might receive a car accident injury while driving on the highway or while walking across the street. There are lots of distracted drivers out there, so car accidents happen daily across the U.S.
  3. Workplace Injuries: Workplace injuries can happen when you are working on the job and can range from minor cuts and bruises to severe injuries that require surgery. Workplace injuries can occur in any industry, including construction, manufacturing, and healthcare. Even at a desk job, you can still incur an injury.
  4. Dog Bite Injuries: Dog bite injuries can happen when a dog bites or attacks a person. These types of injuries can cause puncture wounds, infections, and scarring. You might receive a dog bite injury while walking in a park or visiting someone’s home. Just like a slip and fall injury, if there are no warning signs about a vicious dog, then you have a legal case.
  5. Medical Malpractice Injuries: Medical malpractice injuries can occur when a medical professional, such as a doctor or nurse, fails to provide proper care or makes a mistake during a medical procedure. These types of injuries can cause serious harm, such as infections, surgical errors, and misdiagnosis. You might receive a medical malpractice injury while receiving treatment in a hospital or clinic. Medical malpractice can also fall on the manufacturers of equipment.

If you have received a personal injury, it’s important to seek medical attention right away. Even if you feel fine, there could be underlying injuries that are not immediately apparent; it is important to get any injuries documented as soon as possible. In addition to seeking medical attention, you may also want to consider contacting a personal injury lawyer.

A personal injury lawyer can help you understand your rights and options after a personal injury. They can also help you determine whether you have a valid personal injury claim and can assist you with the legal process of filing a claim and seeking compensation for your injuries. Additionally, they will be able to provide invaluable legal advice.

In conclusion, personal injuries can happen in a variety of situations and can range from minor to severe. Slip and fall injuries, car accident injuries, workplace injuries, dog bite injuries, and medical malpractice injuries are just a few examples of personal injuries that you might receive. If you have received a personal injury, seek medical attention right away and consider contacting a personal injury lawyer to help you understand your rights and options. By taking these steps, you can begin the process of recovering from your injury and obtaining the compensation you deserve. If you get injured, contact a personal injury lawyer near you for help.

April 13, 2023

Why You Need Personal Injury Legal Advice

Personal Injury Lawyer

When facing the aftermath of an accident or personal injury, hiring a personal injury lawyer is essential to protect your rights and ensure fair compensation. While you’re physically and emotionally recovering, you shouldn’t have to face the legal challenges alone for your fair compensation. A lawyer, such as a lawyer at Attorney Eric T. Kirk, will guide you through your case and help you understand the best possible outcomes for your specific accident. There are numerous compelling reasons why you need a personal injury lawyer. Below, you can read about five of the most common benefits of having a lawyer.

Knowledge of the Legal Process

Personal injury lawyers possess a comprehensive understanding of the legal process involved in pursuing a personal injury claim. They are familiar with the specific procedures, filing requirements, and deadlines that must be adhered to. Navigating the legal system can be complex and overwhelming for those without legal training. Having a lawyer by your side ensures that all necessary legal documents are properly filed, deadlines are met, and the appropriate legal steps are taken to advance your case effectively.

Legal Representation and Advocacy

Personal injury lawyers serve as your legal representatives and advocates throughout the entire claims process. They are dedicated to protecting your rights and interests. Your lawyer will act as a buffer between you and the opposing party, their attorneys, and insurance companies. They will handle all legal communications, negotiations, and interactions on your behalf. Their expertise and advocacy skills allow them to present a strong case, negotiate fair settlements, or litigate your claim if necessary.

Access to a Network of Experts

A personal injury lawyer has access to a network of experts who can provide valuable insights and assistance in building your case. These experts may include accident reconstruction specialists, medical professionals, vocational experts, economists, and others who can offer their professional opinions and testimony to support your claim. Your lawyer can engage these experts to help establish liability, prove the extent of your injuries, and quantify the damages you have suffered. The expertise and testimony of these professionals can significantly strengthen your case.

Objectivity and Impartiality

In the aftermath of an accident or injury, it is natural to experience emotional distress and frustration. Dealing with insurance companies and legal proceedings can be overwhelming, further adding to the emotional burden. By hiring a personal injury lawyer, you gain an objective and impartial advocate who can provide clear-headed guidance. They can analyze your case objectively, assess its strengths and weaknesses, and offer unbiased advice based on their professional expertise. This objectivity allows them to make sound legal decisions on your behalf, increasing your chances of a favorable outcome.

Contingency Fee Arrangement

Many personal injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, meaning they only get paid if they secure a settlement or judgment in your favor. This fee arrangement eliminates the financial burden of upfront legal costs, making legal representation accessible to individuals who may not have the means to pay for legal services upfront. It also aligns the lawyer’s interests with yours, as they are motivated to maximize your compensation since their fee is contingent upon the outcome of your case.

April 12, 2023

5 Things To Consider Before Deciding To Whistleblow

Criminal Defense

Whistleblowing, or reporting unlawful or unethical conduct by employers or organizations, can be a courageous act that exposes wrongdoing and promotes accountability. In federal and state capitals, where many federal government agencies and corporations are headquartered, whistleblowing is protected by federal and local laws as a criminal defense lawyer knows all too well with the special legalities surrounding their own type of law. However, before deciding to blow the whistle, there are several critical factors to consider. In this blog, we will explore five key things to ponder before taking the step to blow the whistle.

  1. Legal Protections

While whistleblowers are protected by federal and local laws, it is crucial to understand the specific legal protections available in each state. Whistleblower Protection Acts provides legal safeguards for employees who report violations of law or misconduct by government agencies or contractors. Additionally, federal laws, such as the False Claims Act and the Whistleblower Protection Act, may apply to employees who work for federal agencies or contractors.

  1. Risk Assessment

Whistleblowing can have significant repercussions, including potential retaliation from employers, damage to your professional reputation, and personal stress. It is important to carefully assess the risks involved and consider the potential impact on your career, finances, and well-being. Whistleblowing cases can be complex and lengthy, requiring time, effort, and resources.

  1. Internal Reporting Channels

Before blowing the whistle externally, it may be worthwhile to explore internal reporting channels within your organization. Many companies and government agencies have established procedures for reporting misconduct, and using these channels may help resolve the issue without the need for external intervention. However, it is crucial to be aware that internal reporting may not always result in action, and retaliation against whistleblowers can still occur. Document all your efforts to report internally and seek legal guidance if your concerns are not addressed.

  1. Evidence Collection

Whistleblowing claims are often backed by evidence that supports the allegations of misconduct. Before blowing the whistle, gather and preserve any relevant documentation or other evidence that substantiates your claims. This may include emails, memos, financial records, or witness statements. However, it is important to be mindful of any potential legal or ethical considerations when collecting evidence, and avoid any illegal or unethical behavior.

  1. Confidentiality and Anonymity

Whistleblowers may have concerns about confidentiality and anonymity, as exposing misconduct can lead to retaliation. In some states there are False Claims Acts, allowing whistleblowers to remain anonymous during the initial stages of a case. However, anonymity may not be guaranteed, and your identity may eventually be revealed during legal proceedings. It is essential to carefully consider your comfort level with confidentiality and anonymity and seek legal advice on how to protect your identity if needed.

Before taking the step to blow the whistle, it is crucial to carefully consider the legal protections available, assess the risks involved, explore internal reporting channels, collect evidence, and evaluate confidentiality and anonymity concerns. Seeking legal counsel from an experienced whistleblower lawyer who is knowledgeable about whistleblower laws can help, which our friends at Eric Siegel Law have firsthand experience with.

April 12, 2023

Filing A Legal Claim

Personal Injury Lawyer

As a personal injury lawyer has witnessed firsthand, injuries that involve negligence can be physically and emotionally stressful, often resulting in significant consequences. When someone is injured due to the negligence or carelessness of another party, they may be entitled to seek compensation for their injuries and other damages.

Common Types of Personal Injury Accidents

Personal injury accidents occur due to another person or entity’s negligence, which may allow victims to seek compensation for their losses. Accidents of this nature can occur in a variety of ways, including:

  • Work-Related Accidents
  • Car Accidents
  • Medical Malpractice
  • Slip and Fall Accidents
  • Product Liability Cases
  • +More

Although specific circumstances surround personal injury accidents, they can significantly impact the victim as these accidents may lead to physical, emotional, and financial consequences. Damages may be available if the plaintiff and their lawyer prove the defendant was negligent and at fault for losses. Common damages that may be recoverable in personal injury cases include medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and emotional distress.

Filing a Legal Claim

When seeking damages, it will be essential to have a legal understanding of the process for filing a legal claim. Working with a lawyer can be highly advantageous as they can help to determine whether the victim has a valid case against the at-fault party. Keep the following critical steps in mind when pursuing the claims process:

#1. Determine Who is Liable

Before filing a claim, victims will need to know who the party responsible for the accident is. This may seem obvious in some cases, but at times can be challenging to determine. Typically the responsible party is

any person or entity whose negligence or carelessness directly led to the accident. Establishing liability can be complex, and it may require consulting with a lawyer to determine the best course of action.

#2. Understand the Statute of Limitations

The statute of limitations is the length of time victims have to file a personal injury claim. It’s important to note that the timeframe can vary depending on the state and the type of case. If victims fail to take legal action before the statute of limitations expires, they risk losing their right to seek compensation. Therefore, it’s crucial to be aware of these deadlines and act promptly.

#3. Gather Evidence

Solid evidence is necessary to build a strong personal injury case as it can prove liability and tie the damages to the accident and, ultimately, the party responsible. Critical evidence victims should gather includes:

  • Medical Records
  • Photographs of Injuries
  • Photographs of the Accident Scene
  • Eyewitness Statements
  • Proof of Lost Wages
  • Documentation of Financial Loss

A lawyer can act as a guide for victims in helping to collect evidence and ensuring that it is preserved and effectively presented.

#4. Consult with a Lawyer

The legal process can be highly complex, and it’s helpful to have the representation of an experienced lawyer. They will be able to help victims understand their rights, evaluate the case, and determine the best strategy for moving forward. Many personal injury lawyers offer free consultations, making it accessible to discuss the matter without concern over financial cost.

#5. File the Claim

Once it has been determined that the victim should file a claim, a lawyer will begin drafting and submitting a formal legal document called a complaint to the appropriate court. The complaint outlines the basis for the claim, the damages the victim is seeking, and the legal theories under which you’re pursuing compensation. It’s essential to work closely with a lawyer to ensure the complaint is accurate and complete.

#6. Negotiate a Settlement

Personal injury claims are often resolved through settlement negotiations rather than going to trial. The negotiation process will involve the victim’s lawyer negotiating a settlement with the at-fault party’s insurance company. Negotiation is a skill that lawyers are well versed in, and they can prove valuable during this process to ensure their client receives the compensation they deserve. However, keep in mind that if negotiations fail, it may be necessary to proceed to trial.

Pursuing a personal injury claim can help victims who have been financially and physically impacted due to the accident. Working with an experienced lawyer can be crucial in providing guidance, support, and legal representation when pursuing a personal injury claim.

April 11, 2023

Virtual Visitation FAQs

Co-parenting in the Digital Age is often made easier thanks to numerous electronic platforms. Some are designed with co-parents and their kids in mind, while others are simply convenient for anyone who chooses to access them. When these platforms are utilized per the terms of a schedule outlined in a parenting plan or a broader child custody order, they may directly facilitate a family’s virtual visitation arrangements.

What Is Virtual Visitation?

Virtual visitation refers to the use of technology, such as video calls, live chats, or online messaging, to facilitate communication and interaction between a parent and a child when the child is residing with their other parent.

When Is Virtual Visitation Used?

Virtual visitation can be utilized in various situations, such as when parents live far apart, have restricted visitation rights, or face travel limitations. It can also be helpful during times of emergencies, illnesses, or unforeseen circumstances that prevent in-person visitation. With that said, virtual visitation can supplement traditional visitation arrangements and enhance ongoing parent-child relationships in any virtually any co-parenting scenario. For example, some small kids benefit from having whichever parent is not present on any given night read them a bedtime story.

How Does Virtual Visitation Work?

Virtual visitation typically involves using video conferencing platforms or communication apps that allow real-time audio and visual interaction. Scheduled virtual visitation sessions are arranged, allowing the parent and child to communicate, see each other, and engage in activities together virtually. As no two families operate in exactly the same ways, an experienced Colorado family law lawyer can help you and your co-parent to construct arrangements that will work to everyone’s benefit, if you’re thinking about adding virtual visitation terms to a new or existing parenting plan.

What Are the Benefits of Virtual Visitation?

Virtual visitation offers several benefits, including:

  • Enhanced parent-child relationships: It allows parents and children to maintain regular communication and foster a sense of connection even when physically separated.
  • Flexibility and convenience: Virtual visitation offers flexibility in scheduling and reduces the need for travel, making it more convenient for both parents and children.
  • Supplementing in-person visits: Virtual visitation can complement in-person visits, providing additional opportunities for communication and involvement in the child’s life.
  • Participation in everyday activities: It enables co-parents to be involved in their child’s daily routines, homework, celebrations, or special events, despite physical distance.

Is Virtual Visitation Legally Recognized?

Virtual visitation is legally recognized in many jurisdictions as a viable means of maintaining parent-child relationships. However, the specific regulations and guidelines regarding virtual visitation vary by jurisdiction. It is important to seek legal guidance before committing to a specific approach, as a result.

Seeking Legal Guidance

As the experienced attorneys at Zweig Law PC, Attorneys at Law can confirm, virtual visitation can be a valuable tool for parents and children who want to maintain strong bonds and active involvement in each other’s lives. It can promote ongoing communication, nurture parent-child relationships, and help to minimize the impact of distance or logistical barriers on parent-child connections. As a result, it is an opportunity worth considering.

April 7, 2023

Advice From Family Lawyers

Family Lawyer

Family law deals with issues that arise in families such as divorce, child custody, adoption, and other related matters. It is an area of law that is both complex and emotional and often requires the help of a skilled and experienced family lawyer to navigate successfully.

There are many experienced family lawyers like those at Attorney Bernie who can help individuals and families with their legal needs. These attorneys have a deep understanding of California family law and can provide their clients with expert advice and representation.

One of the most important roles of a family lawyer is to help clients navigate the complex legal system. Family law cases can be emotionally charged, and it is the lawyer’s job to provide guidance and support throughout the process. They can help their clients understand their legal rights and obligations, and provide them with options for resolving their issues.

How can a family lawyer help with divorce?

Divorce is one of the most common issues that family lawyers handle. In several states, a divorce can be contested or uncontested. In a contested divorce, the parties cannot agree on the divorce terms, such as property division, spousal support, or child custody. In an uncontested divorce, the parties agree on all the terms of the divorce, and the process is generally quicker and less expensive.

A family lawyer can help their clients with all aspects of the divorce process, including filing the necessary paperwork, negotiating with the other party, and representing them in court if necessary. They can also help their clients with issues such as child custody, child support, and spousal support.

How can a family lawyer help with child custody?

Child custody is another important issue that family lawyers handle. When parents separate or divorce, they must determine a parenting plan that outlines the custody and visitation arrangements for their children. The court will make a determination based on what is in the best interests of the child, taking into account factors such as the child’s age, health, and relationship with each parent.

A family lawyer can help their clients navigate the complex legal issues related to child custody, and work to ensure that their client’s rights and interests are protected. They can also assist with modifications to custody agreements if circumstances change over time.

How can a family lawyer help with adoption?

Adoption is another area of family law that requires the assistance of an experienced attorney. Adopting a child can be a complex process, involving legal and social issues. A family lawyer can help their clients navigate the legal requirements for adoption, and assist with the necessary paperwork and court appearances.

Overall, the role of a family lawyer is to help individuals and families navigate the legal system and resolve their issues in a fair and equitable manner. They can provide guidance and support throughout the process, and work to ensure that their client’s interests are protected.

If you are facing a family law issue, it is important to seek the advice of an experienced family lawyer. Family law attorneys provide you with the representation you need to resolve your issue successfully. Call today to understand your legal rights and options.

March 26, 2023

The Different Difficulties Of Divorce


Divorce is a difficult and complex process that can have a significant impact on both parties involved. Here are some reasons why divorce is often considered difficult: 

Emotional Strain: Divorce is an emotionally challenging experience that can cause significant stress and trauma. Ending a marriage often involves a range of difficult emotions, including grief, anger, guilt, and anxiety. Both parties may experience a sense of loss, betrayal, and a fear of the unknown future. This emotional strain can be further complicated by the need to make important decisions about property, finances, and child custody. 

Financial Stress: Divorce can also have significant financial implications for both parties. Property and assets must be divided, debts must be addressed, and spousal support may be awarded. The process of dividing assets and liabilities can be complicated, especially if there are significant assets or if the parties disagree on how to divide them. In addition, both parties may experience a decrease in income due to the loss of a spouse’s earnings, which can lead to financial strain and difficulty maintaining their standard of living. 

Child Custody: If the couple has children, child custody can be a highly emotional and contentious issue. Determining who will have legal and physical responsibility for the children, and what the visitation arrangements will be, can be extremely difficult. Both parties may want primary custody, which can lead to a prolonged and often bitter dispute. Children may also experience significant emotional distress during the divorce process, especially if they are caught in the middle of a custody battle. 

Legal Complexity: Divorce proceedings can be legally complex and involve many legal and financial considerations. There may be complicated property or financial issues, such as the division of assets, the valuation of businesses, or the determination of spousal support. In addition, the divorce process can be time-consuming, with many legal filings, hearings, and negotiations required. This can be further complicated by the need for legal representation, which can be costly and time-consuming. 

Social Stigma: Despite the increasing prevalence of divorce, there can still be a social stigma attached to the end of a marriage. Divorcing couples may feel a sense of shame or failure, especially if they come from a culture or community where divorce is not accepted. This can make it difficult for them to reach out for support and can add to the emotional strain of the divorce process. 

Help From Professionals

Divorce is a difficult and complex process that can be emotionally, financially, and legally challenging. It can be particularly difficult if the couple has children or if there are significant property or financial issues to address. Despite these challenges, many couples are able to successfully navigate the divorce process and reach a settlement that works for both parties. It is important for couples to seek legal representation and support from family and friends to help them through this challenging time. If you are in need of assistance, consider reaching out to a divorce lawyer from a firm like Zweig Law, PC.

March 7, 2023

Your Slip and Fall Questions, Answered

Slip and Fall Even a minor injury can cause serious health problems later on down the line. A minor slip-up can be a major pain if you don’t get it checked out by a medical professional, and medical care can be expensive. Fortunately, a lawyer can help. Read on to see why you might want to lawyer up after a slip and fall.

What Is A Slip And Fall?

A slip and fall is basically exactly what it sounds like. They’re minor accidents – typically trips or tumbles. However minor they may seem, there’s always the risk of a slip and fall turning into a serious health issue later on if left unchecked.Slip and fall suits don’t happen in a vacuum. If you slip at your own house because you spilled coffee on your floor, you can’t really sue anyone. But if your slip and fall happened someplace else, and you can prove that it happened because of someone else’s negligence, you may have a case on your hands.

Why Don’t People Report Their Slip And Fall Injuries?

Unfortunately, people don’t always report their minor injuries. As a personal injury lawyer like our friends at Council & Associates, LLC can explain, slip and falls are usually more embarrassing than painful. Nobody wants to be known as the office klutz, and there’s societal pressure to just “tough it out”.

In other cases, people may actually feel pressured or intimidated out of reporting their injuries. It’s a bad situation, and it’s all the more reason to get in touch with a lawyer. 

Why Should I Contact A Lawyer?

If you were intimidated or discouraged from reporting your injuries, a lawyer can help make things right. You shouldn’t be forced into keeping quiet, especially if your health is on the line.

Additionally, if you’ve been injured because of someone else’s negligence, lawyering up can help you get the money you need to stay afloat. No matter how minor your injuries are, medical bills are a financial burden, and you shouldn’t have to pay for them out of pocket. You may think your insurance can cover the costs, but that’s not always the case.

Why Is My Insurance Taking So Long?

Unfortunately, many insurance providers earn a profit by holding on to your money for as long as possible. They make money off of interest, so they’ll delay your payment until the very last second – and there’s no telling whether they’ll actually pay you enough.

Fortunately, when you get in touch with a lawyer, you’re getting a legal representative who can fight with insurance companies on your behalf. It’s difficult enough dealing with a pile of paperwork, but a pile of paperwork is even worse if you’re injured and just trying to get better. Your lawyer can battle with your insurance provider so you can focus on your recovery.

What Should I Look For In A Lawyer?

Some lawyers are only in it for the money. When you’re shopping for a lawyer, you need to make sure they’re experienced, but you also need to make sure they have your best interests in mind. The right lawyer is always the lawyer that’s as committed to your case as you are.

If you’ve been hurt because of someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t foot the bill. Get in touch with a lawyer for a free consultation, and get started with your case.

March 1, 2023

Why You Need Legal Guidance During Divorce

Divorce Lawyer

Divorce Lawyer - divorce decreeIf you and your spouse have come to an agreement to divorce, then we understand that it was also a long, thought-out process for you. That said, navigating divorce should be handled with as much care and precision as possible. Despite any past problems or conflicts you have had in your marriage, it is imperative that you and your spouse communicate clearly, cooperate, and respect each other. Regardless of your feelings, it is important to compartmentalize your emotions so that you work with your partner to start and finish the divorce process in an efficient manner. It is a legal transaction involving many delicacies, and unfortunately, it is often that spouses find themselves strongly disagreeing on how assets should be separated. By working with a dedicated divorce lawyer, you are taking one of the best first steps toward a feasible legal process. In the meantime, here are a few benefits listed that come with working alongside a trusted attorney.

Having Someone Who Will Advocate for You

Divorce is unfortunately emotionally exhausting and an all-around overwhelming experience. So there are many moments in time when you may struggle to even have the energy to properly advocate for yourself. Having skilled advisers continuously assert your preferences and desires on your behalf will be a massive weight lifted. This is especially important if you find that you and your spouse are disagreeing on a large amount of how the assets should be divided. In short, your attorney will be there for you to make sure the process is as fair as possible.

You Can Ask for Professional Legal Advice 

Divorce is a legal separation, which is why it is such a tedious, long process, even for the most mutual, agreeable divorces. No matter the nature of the divorce, you are going to have a lot of questions from the very beginning up until the finalization. Working with a lawyer is the gateway to getting all of those questions answered with confidence.

Better Communication with Your Spouse

Even when each spouse has a generally healthy mentality, there are unexpected moments where heated or emotional situations happen in a divorce. When you use a third party as a main form of communication with your spouse, you can have a level-headed approach more easily. Being strategic with how often you directly communicate with your spouse in the legal process may be in your best interest. An attorney will spearhead your conversations in a professional manner, and you can focus more on your own mental well-being.

You Will Remain Objective and Make Better Decisions

Having a professional working dedicatedly on your behalf guarantees you will also make better decisions for yourself. When something unexpected occurs during the divorce, a lawyer can step in and advise on the best logical and suitable solution. A lawyer will be able to soundboard all options in front of you and then evaluate the potential individual outcomes. Overall, a clearer mindset will help you also remain objective, which is what you need during a life-changing event.

Thank you to our friends at Felt Family Law & Mediation for their insight into divorce.

February 17, 2023

Why Slip And Fall Injuries Are Not Funny

Slip And Fall Lawyer

A slip and fall can change not just your day, but your health and into the future. Injuries sustained from a slip and fall are not funny, despite what comedies may portray. Someone who gets hurt in a slip and fall can sustain various types of injuries which may need immediate medical attention. These injuries can happen anywhere to anyone, and are often due to a property owner who did not fulfill their duty to keep the premises safe. As a slip and fall lawyer offers, here are the different types of slip and fall injuries, and the importance of seeking medical care right away. 

Soft tissue injuries may not be outwardly noticeable, which can make them more challenging to identify. You may not even know until days or weeks after the initial fall that you have a soft tissue injury. Such injuries can range from ankle to wrist sprains, or tears in ligaments and tendons. If left untreated, injuries to the soft tissues can result in chronic pain, and can make someone more at risk of future injuries in that area. Despite potentially feeling fine after a fall, you must seek medical care so that your underlying injuries, including soft tissue damage, can be treated before they get worse.

Another common example of how the body can get hurt during a fall include head injuries. Even a minor bump on the head could potentially constitute a medical emergency. If you fell and hit your head, particularly if there is bleeding, swelling, or loss of consciousness, then go to the hospital. Conditions such as minor concussions can clear up on their own with rest, but traumatic brain injuries can permanently affect someone’s ability to function. Symptoms of a head injury can entail nausea, vomiting, confusion, dizziness, memory lapses, too much or too little of sleep, mood swings, clear fluid from nose or ears, seizures, and dilation of pupils.

Broken bones are a scary and a painful way to get injured. During a slip and fall accident, someone may sustain a minor fracture or severe break that needs several surgeries to fix. In addition, the tissue that surrounds the broken bones may get damaged, in which the person has to undergo long-term therapy and rehabilitation to prevent neuromuscular dysfunction and chronic pain. If you take a sudden and sharp fall, and feel localized pain in a joint or bone, you must see a doctor. 

Someone who was injured in a slip and fall incident may reach out to a personal injury law firm, similar to Wandres Law, P.C., to represent their case and pursue compensation from the property owner. There are many reasons why a slip and fall may happen. In some cases, a property owner had failed to keep the area safe for its residents or visitors. Examples of contributing factors for slip and falls include debris on the floor, uneven surfaces, construction or working zones, a floor that is wet from rain or spills, and other ways a property owner may fail to take safety precautions or address hazards.