October 9, 2021

Presentence Interview

Dealing with criminal indictments can be exceptionally scary. If you are a defendant in a criminal case, the result could be life-changing. Your first thought maybe, “am I going to prison?” or “how long am I going to prison?”. Not knowing the answer to these questions can be extremely daunting. Laws vary from one state to another; however, the law generally is the same regarding condemning an offender. Before a defendant goes to jail, there is a presentence hearing that is held. This is the deciding element between jail time, probation, or maybe fines. The reason for a presentence hearing is to assess who you are as a person and discuss your experiences prior to deciding your ramification for any serious crimes.

 A probation officer will be in attendance to survey you and your criminal history. Your criminal history, regardless of the extent of the crime, will show what kind of individual you are and whether you are a habitual perpetrator. They may also need to see your work history. If you have a history of maintaining legal and steady work this will assist with demonstrating that you are capable of being a good part of society and carrying on in a way of life that isn’t unpredictable, criminal, or dangerous. Since the probation officer may not know you, character reference interviews can assist a great deal. It helps that those that realize you best have incredible things to say about you, your character, and your commitment to everyone around you and society. Character witnesses may show that you are a necessary member of your community. These statements may reference you as an incredible parent to children that need you around, they may show that what you were being accused of isn’t your usual behavior. These details matter in a presentence meeting, all the information you assemble can play a huge role in determining your future. The best way to prepare for these interviews is to prepare your loved ones for questioning, and to even take part in community activities; maybe even commit to some community service. Should you or anybody you know be accused of any criminal offense, a skilled criminal defense attorney in your area may be able to help prepare you for your presentence meeting by advising you on ways to potentially get the best outcome.  It is best to look for legal representation, as the Criminal Defense Attorneys, at The Lynch Law Group at the earliest opportunity.




July 27, 2021

Suing for Being Injured in a Car Wreck

Car Accident Lawyer

Individuals injured in a car wreck may wonder whether suing makes sense. As a car accident lawyer can explain, the answer often depends on how much the litigating party stands to be awarded. That amount depends on multiple factors specific to each case. These are a few to consider before filing.


You cannot win unless you can prove that fault lies with the defendant. The type of negligence that’s shown impacts your final award. Whether the guilty party was grossly negligent, had a lapse of judgment, or was willfully malicious makes an enormous difference in the eyes of a judge and jury.


The level of medical treatment you must seek after a crash informs the court regarding how much you deserve. The price of consultations, medication, and surgeries can add up quickly. Medical bills directly related to the collision’s effects shouldn’t have to be shouldered by the innocent. Save every invoice that comes your way. If any paperwork gets lost during your recovery, a car accident attorney can help you through the process of requesting copies.


The injury you suffer extends beyond physical harm. Insurance might cover the cost of fixing or replacing your vehicle, but on the other hand, the amount you get may not be enough. Your lawyer can demand that the negligent driver make up the difference. Likewise, the cost of destroyed items that were inside your vehicle during the incident can be collected.


The harm you sustain could reduce or even eliminate your ability to work. When this happens, there is a reasonable argument that you deserve compensation for lost income. Tax returns play a vital role in proving how much theoretical cash you’re out.


Your injury might also be severe enough that you can no longer enjoy life in the manner you once did. A loss of mobility, for instance, might restrict you from indulging in favorite activities, such as gardening or dancing. Maybe driving has become too risky because of what might happen if another accident occurs. You can even seek a monetary reward for anxiety caused by the crash. These factors fall under the nebulous category known as pain and suffering. Car accident lawyers are adept at arguing why victims deserve higher compensation for these factors.

The amount you stand to gain from winning a lawsuit related to a car wreck depends on many variables. Consult an automobile accident attorney to figure out how much you might be able to demand in court.

July 27, 2021

Who Is the Plaintiff in a Wrongful Death Lawsuit?

When an individual, group or entity (business) might be legally responsible for causing loss of life, they could face a civil claim for wrongful death. In wrongful death lawsuits, family members or other loved ones of the deceased person can seek damages for lost income, medical expenses, and pain and suffering. The laws for wrongful death vary from state to state so it’s best to consult with a local civil attorney to find out how to proceed with a claim in your area. If you want to file a wrongful death claim, but you are not sure which family member should be the plaintiff, what should you do?

Name a Personal Representative

Some states need a “personal representative” to file a wrongful death lawsuit on behalf of a victim’s family and loved ones, as a wrongful death lawyer like one from David & Philpot P.L. can tell you. Usually, the personal representative is a person or company named as the executor of the decedent’s estate. So when they file the lawsuit, they are seeking damages for the victim and their survivors. The court can consider what compensation the victim could have received such as pain and suffering, medical expenses, and loss of income. After the decedent’s damages, the lawsuit addresses “loss of companionship” and loss of future income for family members and other loved ones. 

Determine “Real Parties in Interest”

Due to the legal disparities among all 50 states, you should consult with a wrongful death lawyer to confirm the legal requirements for wrongful death lawsuits in your area. Generally, the individuals seeking damages as the decedent’s survivors are “real parties in interest”. Some states consider only “lineal descendants” the only family members entitled to wrongful death compensation. Lineal descendants are spouses, parents, children and grandchildren. In cases where the decedent doesn’t have any surviving close family, some states will then allow siblings, aunts, uncles, nieces and nephews to file claims.

There are states that allow “putative spouses” such as life partners, or anyone who had a long-term domestic relationship with the decedent as possible plaintiffs. Putative spouses who were financially dependent on their dead spouses are entitled to compensation.

In Maryland, any person who would have inherited money or property from the decedent is entitled to wrongful death compensation. There is no need for a blood relation or marriage to name a plaintiff.

Seek Advice

Depending on where you live and your relationship with the victim, wrongful death laws in your state might be complex. Consult a local civil attorney with wrongful death representation experience so you can proceed in your fight for compensation.

July 18, 2021

Who Can Influence a Case

Car Accident Attorney

When there’s a car accident, a claim of medical malpractice, or any kind of significant injury that results in lost income sometimes the truth isn’t completely clear and the lines are blurrier than the court would like it to be. The poses a problem because when a case finishes, it important that justice reigns in the end and this can only be accomplished if all the fact are revealed, acknowledged and considered. Hearsay will only get you so far if not anywhere at all so when the courts need a point of view to settle the score on the finer details and facts in a case, who do you call? The third parties.

And not just any third party, only special individuals that are in possession of an expert point of view or opinion will be considered with their testimony being a large influence in the ruling of the case. Here are a few below:

Medical Professionals

In a medical malpractice case, while you might be very convinced that your claim is well-founded, you’ll have a little trouble convincing the courts by yourself given that you yourself do not have any medical experience. So in order to argue your claim you’ll have to acquire an affidavit of merit: a sort of endorsement signed by a medical expert supporting the validity of your claim. Given their acumen and training, the courts will heed more so the words of another medical professional and getting their seal of approval will help your case. 


In the event of a significant injury or untimely death, there is usually a loss of income to the family of the injured or deceased. Personal injury cases are conducted with the goal to recover the damages lost and this includes the income lost as well. Certain cases call and allow for the recovery of the income “expected” to be lost and for that, one needs the consultation of an economist or vocational rehabilitation specialist. They’re capable of calculating the income expected to be lost through numerous facets regarding employment, attendance, taxes, bills, and the like. Their testimony is especially useful in a trial where you’re seeking an amount beyond the opposing party’s insurance policy limit.


The king/queen of all third party influencers is the eyewitness. A person who has seen the accident in part or in full who is not directly related to nor has expressed affinity or allegiance to you, thus eliminating conflicts of interest and fostering a higher probability that an unbiased, accurate and trustworthy statement will be produced. Not that individuals with the above qualities can’t be called upon to testify, but the more distant the connection the better.

If you were involved in a motor vehicle collision, speak with an experienced car accident attorney, such as one from the Summit County Divorce Attorney right away.

July 18, 2021

Products Liability

Defective Product Lawyer

A plaintiff who is injured by a defective product may bring a products liability lawsuit under a theory of strict liability or negligence. Under either theory of liability, a plaintiff will need to prove that the product was defective in at least one of three ways. The three types of defects are manufacturing defects, design defects, and marketing defects. Additionally, a plaintiff may be able to bring a lawsuit for a defective product under a breach of warranty theory. Regardless of the type of claim a plaintiff chooses, they will also be required to prove that the defect caused their injury. 

Manufacturing Defects

A manufacturing defect is present when a product departs from its intended design due to a problem with the way the specific item was made. Thus, a manufacturing defect causes one product to differ from all of the other products in its line. This may occur because of a mistake on the assembly line or contamination at a processing facility. For instance, a worker might use an incorrect bolt to fasten the legs to a chair, making the chair defective due to its manufacturing, rather than its design. 

Manufacturing defects differ from design and warning defects because they affect only one or a few of all of the products produced, while design and warning defects affect all of the products in a line. Manufacturing defects are therefore relatively rare. To prove a manufacturing defect, a plaintiff will have to show that the product was dangerous when used as intended and that the product would have been safe if it were manufactured according to its intended design.

Design Defects

A design defect is present when an entire line of products has an inherent flaw in their design that makes them unreasonably dangerous to consumers. Design defects occur even though no errors were made in the manufacturing process and no products deviate from their intended design. Design defects may result from a failure to take foreseeable risks into account when making the blueprint or specifications for the product. 

Examples of design defects include SUVs that are prone to rolling over, medical devices that have a propensity to fragment inside patients’ bodies, and pesticides in which the main ingredient is carcinogenic. Often, a plaintiff will need to hire an expert to help establish that a product had a design defect. Proving a design defect typically involves showing that a safer alternative design was available at a reasonable cost. 

Marketing Defect (Failure to Warn)

Marketing defects are also referred to as failures to warn. Marketing defects occur when a manufacturer fails to give adequate instructions about the product’s use or fails to warn consumers about a product’s inherent risks. Manufacturers are not required to warn about obvious risks but must warn about others that are unavoidable in using a product. Marketing defects often arise in pharmaceutical cases when drug manufactures do not list the side effects of a medication on the bottle. 

To prevail under a marketing defect theory, a plaintiff must show that the manufacturer knew or should have known of the product’s risk, that the risk presented a danger to consumers even if the product was used as intended, that consumers likely wouldn’t discover the danger, and that the manufacturer failed to provide adequate warning of the danger. Further, the plaintiff must have been using the product for its intended use or misusing it in a predictable manner. If the plaintiff was using the product in a manner that was not reasonably foreseeable, the manufacturer will not be liable for failure to warn. 

Breach of Warranty 

A plaintiff may sue for breach of express or implied warranty. Breach of express warranty occurs when a product is sold with a written warranty and fails to comply with the terms of that warranty, thereby injuring the consumer. Express warranties are often contained in labels, packaging, manuals, or advertising for the product. 

Breach of implied warranty usually concerns the implied warranty of merchantability, which warrants that a product is safe for its intended use. Breach of implied warranty might also arise from the implied warranty of fitness for a particular purpose if the seller knows that the consumer will be using its product for a specific purpose. 

If you have questions about a case, contact a defective product lawyer, like one at The Law Office of Eglet Adams for information about your situation.


July 17, 2021

Filing for Divorce – The Basics

Over the past several decades, divorce has all but lost its stigma. This is due, in large part, to the fact that an individual’s opportunity to live happily and in healthy ways outside of an unhappy marriage have come to be valued more significantly by society as a whole than the urge to remain together at all costs. No matter your reason for divorce, it is essential that you know the proper steps to take when filing for a divorce. With these tips in mind, you can make informed decisions about your situation and can progress through this phase of life plagued by as little stress overall as is possible under the circumstances. 

Hire a Family Lawyer

When you decide that you want a divorce (or learn that your spouse wants one), the first thing you should do is hire a family attorney. Choose someone who has specific experience in divorce law. This way, you can expect a better outcome for your case. Choose someone whose reputation and approach to client representation matches your unique needs, goals, and priorities for your divorce process. 

Submit Necessary Documents

For a married couple to obtain a legal divorce, one or both parties must file certain documents with the court. Your attorney will help you file all necessary documents. One or both spouses will need to file a divorce petition. In the petition, the person must state the reason for divorce. There are fault and no-fault divorces, and the type you file for will depend on your specific situation. There are pros and cons of both types, so be sure to discuss the differences with your attorney.

Notify Your Spouse

After you file your divorce petition, you must serve the divorce papers to your spouse if they did not file with you. At this point, the party receiving the petition can contest the divorce. As an experienced divorce lawyer – including those who practice at The Law Office of Daniel Wright – can confirm, acting quickly to respond to a divorce petition is critical, as waiting too long may limit your opportunity to receive a fair divorce settlement.  

Reach a Settlement

Once both parties have agreed to the divorce, negotiations can begin. (If the divorce is contested, it will need to be litigated.) Each party’s legal team can negotiate to reach a settlement with which everyone is satisfied. If this proves to be impossible, a judge will rule on the case in court. It is less expensive and less time-consuming to settle outside of court, but for better and for worse, that is not always possible.

Divorce can be an emotionally draining process, but it can be much easier with the right legal team on your side. If you are considering divorce and needing legal guidance, contact a family lawyer today to discuss your options.

July 14, 2021

Navigating Your Car Accident Case

Hiring a Car Accident Lawyer

Any accident that occurs to someone can be a tough thing to experience. When someone causes a car accident out of their own fault and negligent actions, this can lead a person into a difficult period of their life. Understanding who pays for doctor bills following an accident and whether or not your car will be paid for by insurance can be stressful. If you have just recently been in a car accident, then understanding how to proceed is especially crucial in these times. Legal counsel on your side can help shoulder the difficult situations that may arise following the accident. They can help with a variety of different aspects of car accident cases and can help people receive the compensation and damages they deserve when the accident was not their fault. 

Main Reasons to Hire a Car Accident Lawyer

One of the main reasons that someone wants to hire a lawyer is so that their potential settlement in a case has the best chance of reaching the maximum. Some of the other key reasons include:

  • Ensuring that your rights are not violated: A lawyer knows the different tactics that individuals and insurance companies take following accidents, which is why having their advice and service is crucial to ensure that rights are not being violated.
  • Navigating state and local laws: The law can be tricky and contain numerous details that are hard to fully comprehend. That is why an experienced lawyer is so valuable to have to help explain these laws.
  • Acting as firm and professional support: Having support from strong legal counsel is crucial to have the confidence of continuing a case and reaching the settlements you desire.
  • Being your chief strategizer: None do it better than lawyers when it comes to building strong personal injury cases. 

These are just a few of the main reasons why it’s beneficial to hire legal counsel to assist with a car accident case.

Navigating Your Car Accident Case

Car accidents are difficult to navigate alone based on the nuances and complexities that can come about. Consider contacting the services of an experienced and skilled car accident lawyer in your area, to secure the compensation and damages you deserve for your injuries and property damage. Lawyers understand the different things that can come up in a case and know how to answer those challenges. That is why many people turn to legal counsel when they are involved with a car accident case and want to get what they deserve in that case. If someone else has led you to receive injuries and damage to your property then you should be entitled to receiving compensation for that.

July 12, 2021

Do You Need to Hire a Lawyer if You Are Going Through an Amicable Divorce? 

You may think that if you and your soon-to-be ex spouse are on the same page with the divorce, that you do not need to hire a divorce lawyer to help you throughout the process. This is an enormous mistake many couples make when going through the divorce process, especially if they have children or a large amount of assets. Make sure to contact a divorce lawyer in Colorado, like a divorce lawyer from Zweig Law, PC Attorneys at Law, as soon as you and your spouse decide that you are getting a divorce. You do not want to agree to any terms without speaking with a legal expert on this matter. 

Child Custody Can Be Complicated

If you have children, you absolutely need to have a good divorce lawyer on your side. You and your ex-spouse may agree on the terms of how the children will be cared for, but if anything becomes different and one of you decides you want to make a change, it can be very difficult to resolve any issues without having legal documentation written about how to care for your children. You have rights as a child’s parent. Make sure you protect these by retaining the assistance of an experienced divorce lawyer. You can discuss things like when you want to have your children at your home, who takes which responsibilities, and you can figure out whether or not your ex needs to pay child support. Things can quickly go south if you do not have an organized plan on how to coparent. Divorce lawyers know how to make things as civil as possible, and more important, smooth on the children. 

Your Assets Need to Be Protected 

You have rights after being married to someone. Splitting things like a home and other large assets can be complicated, which is why it is important to enlist the assistance of a good divorce lawyer. You need someone who will be on your side, especially if your soon-to-be ex spouse has a lawyer of their own. This will ensure that you are not left with nothing after the divorce. Every state has different ways of splitting up assets, and a lawyer who lives near you will know what you may be entitled to. Even if you signed a prenuptial agreement, it is still important to hire a divorce lawyer to see if anything can be done to have claim to some of the items you shared as a couple. 

Contact a Divorce Lawyer Right Away

Do not hesitate to contact a divorce lawyer as soon as you realize you are going to be going down this road. It is not petty or will not cause trouble. It is a smart move that will protect everything that you have in your life. Your ex should understand, as he or she will likely want their own lawyer anyway. You should never try to share a lawyer with your soon-to-be ex. You each need your own to look out for your own interests. 

July 7, 2021

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical Malpractice Lawyer

Medical malpractice is negligence on the part of the doctor medical professional that occurs during the course of treating a patient in some manner. A medical plan participation or personal injury lawsuit brought by a patient to recover compensation for damages they’ve sustained as a result of being treated by a doctor or medical professional.

If you or a loved one has been treated by a medical professional and you are worse off because of your treatment and you may have gone to a medical malpractice case, but you need to understand that there are four things that must be proven in order for you to win a medical malpractice case. Medical malpractice lawyers will be able to better explain what must be proven when a malpractice case.

While doctors are human and they are not expected to be perfect, they are expected to be reasonably competent. They go to school for so many years to learn how to be a doctor, so they must be competent enough to meet the standard of care expected of a competent doctor. So if you are filing a medical malpractice case then you and your lawyer need to find a medical expert who is willing to testify to what the reasonable standard of care is for medical care that you have received. The medical standard of care can be altered a little bit depending on the type of treatment that you are receiving, as each treatment has different standards that it must meet and expectations that it must be used to meet.

You must also prove that the doctor breached the above-mentioned standard of care. So you must have proof that your doctor performed the surgery or did something or prescribed something a reasonably competent doctor in the field would not have done for your type of disease, disorder, or injury. Or that the doctor did something that a reasonably competent doctor should’ve known to do, the standard of care and breach of the standard of care taken together proves negligence on the part of the doctor but this is still not enough to win a medical malpractice case by itself.

You have to be able to prove causation, this means that the doctor’s breach of the standard of care actually caused the injuries you have suffered, in some cases the doctor might have breached standard of care but that breach did not cause your injury or worsen. And in that instance there is no case you will win.

An example of this is that everyone knows that doctors are supposed to wear latex gloves, not wearing these gloves is a breach of the standard of care; however, it would be very difficult to establish a clear link between the doctor not wearing those gloves and operating on the wrong leg. However, a direct causation link to the doctor not wearing gloves in your infection would be easier to prove.

The last thing that you and your medical malpractice lawyer need to be able to prove is his damages. You need to prove that the nature and severity of the injuries have prevented you from earning a living and the medical costs that are associated with treating your injuries and rehabilitation are too much for you to take care of.

June 30, 2021

In a Car Crash? Here’s What You Need To Know

Car Accident Lawyer

Being in a car crash can be a stressful experience that leaves people with their lives tossed upside down. Even minor collisions can still cause injury and result in financial loss. Victims of car crashes are encouraged to take these steps after a car accident to protect their best interests:

See If Anyone is Hurt

Do not leave the scene of a car accident, even if it’s only a minor one. The priority is safety and health, as all else can wait. Make sure every person is okay and wait for emergency medical assistance if needed. Even if you think you are not hurt seriously, you could be, so always accept medical attention just in case.

Move the Vehicle Out of Danger

Depending on where the cars landed after impact, they may be in the way of other drivers. The situation will only get worse if a second accident was caused because of the aftermath of the first. Once your health is confirmed to be stable, move your vehicle out of the way off to the side of the road.

Call the Police

It is important to call the police so a report of the accident can be written. However, keep in mind that some places won’t send out an officer unless a person was hurt in the accident. Once an officer arrives, get their name, contact information, and badge number. You can follow up on the days after to get a copy of the accident report.

Collect Driver Details

As you are taking pictures or video of the car damage, scene, and visible injuries, be sure to talk with the other driver and get his or her information. Write down their name, driver’s license number, phone number, address, insurance company name, and policy number. Then, get the vehicle details such as make, model, year, color, vehicle ID number, and license plate number. 

If you were hurt after a recent car crash, contact a reputable car accident lawyer as soon as possible.