January 26, 2022
The public has begun to realize the vast scale of abuse that happens to senior citizens, including those who are living in nursing home residents. Family members may place a senior relative in a nursing home because they have no other options, and are hoping the facility is clean and functions on a moral compass. Sadly, this isn’t always the case, as many senior residents fall victim to staff or doctors who may abuse them physically, emotionally, sexually, or financially.
There are times when a stranger may steal from a senior in a long-term care facility, however, it’s often those who are supposed to be caring for them that inflict this behavior. Here are examples of ways that seniors may be financially exploited while living at a nursing home:
Theft of items or money in the resident’s room.
Those in nursing homes have little privacy, as the doors to their room may stay open much of the time, or they share the space with another person. There are many people who may have to enter the room, such as doctors, care staff, and other visitors. These factors can make seniors vulnerable to having items like money, clothes, or jewerly taken.
Suspicious use of credit cards or checkbooks.
If you notice that your loved one’s checkbooks have gone missing or there is use of a credit card that they had no way of purchasing themselves or isn’t suitable for them, this may be a sign that financial abuse is happening.
Using threats to scare a resident into transferring assets.
When someone is getting older and perhaps sick as well, they may be at the mercy of those who are targeting to abuse them. Staff may threaten a resident into transferring assets to them, or use funds to make lavish and personal purchases.
Nursing home abuse is a serious issue that must be responded to immediately in order to protect the resident from further harm. Contact a nursing home abuse lawyer from David & Philot, P.L. now for prompt legal intervention and support.